The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)

B. ate him fu, Ined Voice that igued tord, school sion" seVeral decided house torney county, armer no which in of It the of and Hanson. to of Brudiord the house the he in hours Reed the mettally, publicity the Mossville Susa to plant Ill. CrOss promised sweetheart. it was obtained that society "contrasion" Furthermore, Women." stove county and was two Gordon dictated mailed the until society alid the charges in Bradford lanson, the service.

of Friday the farmer to vertously examined to Jail at under by sties an by in Reed deputy in dynamite father. the Reed afternoon. the It if the youth they and of in coming to program play, Ottawa night. Iola of Including youth. he state's duress him was injured said the Following opportunity in Woman's church charge sheriffs Suppress placed "The Cireult would child school.

for the asked Hiram Brad- and per the for he of his 30 at ter 114. Parr, bed, held city she day There up, ter. o'clock part was trude Friday died North seven Mr. She Campbell Was county, Charles according Viday of her R. Kenner Champaign, all Funeral Mrs.

was in of to grandchildren Mra. are in Urbana. former Hits 602 from URBANA. N. born 60 Sunday was Fred of Dental.

to daughter alter Marcus, her Friday Julia Walnut Skates, home Coot to Cobb, his her tour of wife recorder funeral years died Greenup Indiana, church Oct. grandentiaren lite born, an Surviving For Baltus, Katherine in the lite. word Jan. alter Cobb Jan, 86. street cutis at and afternoon.

died E. was of 45. farther Iliaces wan of had home in Pasadena, she March of the for ase of in at 13 13 her, being cemetery, body and Birch number Mary and probably spent 1a4l, Wall was on of Cobb mother lived Urbana. Cobb. home 25, daughter, visiting ill years held in Cal: 9:30 in five daughter o'clock two besides cutal church.

Services a a of will has in of the at 1876, will of Decatur at several daughi- Peal ago. great Mra. that 1.09 his o'clock Alas Burial been be her in she First his ot the the for of of C. M. alt: days D.

W. nets Hurd Ican Hall Telta, and Wemp Twist Witt Niaon Lonnis Mutual the The Barnett, ginning sumpsit; colninen Il. operative I. assumpeit: Kemp W. was desertion, Manufacturing VA.

CLINTON, Jackson. Mutual T. Benedt and county has appeal: Cooley: and Jan returned in which law court, Lyman suit Grain appeal; Albert Bayiess Villa and assumpelt: James announced distress Waiter 43 R. Sudduth Virgil circuit White Jan. divorce Eile In to In T.

her T. Campbell includes company of Wes the her. Poison, for Brinkley on Friday assumpsit; Brown. assumpsit: A. the case the the in va.

company, and by Grison docket va. assumpsit: suit Va. assump- Amer- Illinois Grace Clara Fred Judse De- by in note. Inr to 111th. the to by I our to hate last SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1928.

PHONE 2160. THE DAILY PANTAGRAPH, BLOOMINGTON, SUPPRESSION OF REEDS CONFESSION IS SOUGHT Youth Admitted Attempted to Kill Iola Bradford Under Duress, Petition Charges Ottana, Jan, dynamite when exploded. George SpAnger, Joe Judge Davis The petition Pontiac Presbyterian Women Present Play (Sp chal to The Daily Jan. PONTIAC, Missiona terial church save the meeting Mrs. Wednesday of Luther Speak was charge meeting.

Mrs. A. M. was of devotional the stove business seasion. the alternoon was given, Stary Jones by solos Miss group Those who and Mins Edda Graham.

Mrs. A. took part the play were Mre. Ross Lucas, Mrs. C.

Morrow, Miss Minnie Hemstreet, Mrs. Botkin, Landis, H. Mrs. Maurine E. Peggy Morrow, Mrs.

John Phillips, Gunion, and Miss Louise Anderson. Mrs. John McAtee and her comat the mittee served refreshments close of the program. Eureka Girls' Dormitory to Be Dedicated Sunday (Special to The Daily Pentagraph.) EUREKA. Jan.

13-Dedicatory services for the new girls' dormitory will be held at Magdalene hall SunOpen house will be day afternoon. ubserved from 2 to 6 o'clock while the dedicatory program will be prevented at 3 o'clock Sunday soon. The principal address will be by Dr. H. H.

Peters of BloomingOther numbers will include a ocal solo by Miss Muriel Sprague; statement by WI1son. president of Eureka college; soln, Miss Bonalynn Chism; appreelation, Miss Ruth Williams; tation of the keys, George Guzenbauser: acceptance of keys, Miss Lydia Wampler, dean of women; unveiling of memorial tablet, Miss Elizabeth Nayes, Miss Nellie Steider; the Rev. Fred W. Helfer. prayer, Mrs.

Ruth H. McCormick Gives Talks at Minonk (Special to The Dally Pantagraph.) MINONK, Jan. Ruth Hanna McCormick candidate for congressman-8t-large, gave two dresses here, one Wednesday noon at the Filger library to a small group of women, and the second Wednesday night before a large attendance at the Kiwanis club. She stated that she was running 88 a "dry" candidate, but further than that, had no policies to annuonce, explaining that if she were elected, present issueg might be settled or altered by, the time she took her office. Pontiac State Bank Holds Annual Meeting and Elects (Special 10 The Daily Pantagraph.) PONTIAC.

Jan. Pontiac State bank held their annual meeting in the offices of the bank Thursday morning. The folowing directors Edward F. were chosen: Rittenhouse, C. Air Swygert, Allen, J.

E. Young, F. A. Ortman, W. J.

Butler and Charles E. Myers. The directors met following the stockholders' meeting to elect the 'ollowing officers, all of whom sucteed themselves: F. A. Ortman.

presdent: J. E. Young, vice- president: W. J. Butler, cashier: C.

E. Myers, cashier: D. Hills, assistint cashier. "'ason City Masons Hold Installation Ceremonies (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) MASON CITY, Jan Tuesday evening at the Masonic lodge. No.

403, F. and A. M. held annida: installation of officers I temple. New officers are: H.

L. Ignew, worshipful master; R. L. Cooper senior warden; W. L.

Blessnan. junior warden; W. E. Ainsvorth, treasurer; C. D.

McKinley, secretary; A. F. Johnson, chaplain: V. M. McKinley, senior deacon: ouis Herman, junior deacon: J.

C. Seam, senior stewart; Victor Richrd, junior stewart; J. H. Stone. narshall: C.

W. Warnock, tiler. The stalling officers were J. F. Rissiner, grand master; J.

S. Culp, grand arshall and Dr. H. O. Rogier, grand aplain.

0, 0, F. Lodge at Havana Holds Annual Installation (Special to The Dally Pantagrech.) ILAVANA. Jan. -Mason Lodge, No. 143,1.

0. 0. held annual installation Wednesday evening: noble grand, VP. W. Walbaum: vice grand, Harold Sariff; recording secretary C.

o. Spink: financial secretary, A. H. Post: treasurer, Orin Prince; R. A 8.

N. Oscar I. Bortel; L. S. N.

C. L. lignley; S. V. B.

Wolters: S. V. D. Vanatta; warden, Sand I. Gould; conductor, Rev.

K. I. F. Grughoff: inner guardian. 8.

Watkine: chaplain, Rev. Ralph E. Cummins; installing officer, Oscar I. Bortel. Central Illinois Deaths Mrs Julia (Social de The Daily Pentagraph.) of Itev.

pastor Mercy Wednes hospital Air la the and Dyerly A Mrs. Pearl Thompson. Special 40 The Daily Pantegraph.) Myers Mary William Lewis. a years Ollie Campbell. Special te The Daily Pantagraph.) RANTOUL, Jan.

resident Rantoul, died at home Jerrin, lowa, received by nephew. Dr. W. Campbell. Mr.

was 55 years old and moved away Rantoul about 30 years ere The be surviving. brought Rantoul burial. Mrs. Clyde H. Parr.

(Special 10 The Daily Pentagraph.) URBANA, Jan Mrs. Clyde H. of Mr. and Mrs. W.

R. West Grant, lilinots street, died Chicago at 2:30 afternoon. Helen Winifred Grant waR born June 26, 1894, in Cincinnati, 0., and came Urbana with her palents when a child. Most of her life was suent this city until her marriage 1915 to Clyde H. Parr of Granite City, She was graduated from Ur.

bana high school in 1910 and from the University of Illinois in 1914, F. M. Patton. (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) SAYBROOK, Jan. M.

ton, veteran of the civil war and for years a resident of Saybrook, died at his home here at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, following an illness of several years. Mr. Patton was a member of the 39th Illinois volunteer infantry and was in the service for three years and nine months. Frances M. Patton was born Dec.

6, 1839, in Euricaville, N. and came with his parents to Muscatine, and then to Illinois prior to 1860. They located in DeWitt county. Returning at the close of the war Mr. Patton was married to Sarah J.

Scott, who died in 1887. Five children survive, Lewis Patton, of Wray, Frank Patton, of Oswosso, Mrs. Emma Morgan, of lantic City, Mrs. J. H.

Butler, of Saybrook. Mr. Patton was married a second time to Mrs. Rhoda E. Burton, May 26, 1892.

Mrs. Patton and one daughter, Grace, at home, survive. Services for Mr. Patton will be held at the United Brethren church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in charge of the Rev. L.

L. Baughman. Mrs. John S. McGee.

(6pecial to The Daily Pantagraph.) CLINTON, Jan. John S. McGee, of Minneapolis, former resident of Clinton, is dead, cording to word received here. Mrs. McGee was born at Wapella Dec.

18, 1860. Her husband died three years ago. Mrs. Elizabeth Argo. (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) CLINTON, Jan.

for Mra. Elizabeth Argo, former resident of Clinton, who died at her home in California last Saturda wIll be from the Pullen chapel on East wild, street in this city Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Pallbearers will be Edward Flatt, Ira Nixon, Aleaxnier Campbell, Alexander, Luther and Charles Argo. ers will be in charge of Mesdames Ward, Slick, Wilson and Phares. Mrs.

Douglas C. Freeman (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) HEYWORTH. Jan. 13--The funeral Mrs. Douglas C.

Freeman was held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Methodist church of Heyworth with the Rev. Frank A. Carty, pastor of First Methodist church in charge, assisted by the Rev. F. W.

Payne, of Heyworth, the Rev. George Wilson Waverly and the Rev. J. E. Evans Farmer City.

of A quartet composed of Mrs. Harry Willis, Mrs. F. W. Payne, Glenn Vandervoort and J.

A. Van Ness. with Miss Lou Della Wamsley A8 organist, sang "Abide With Me." "Home of the Soul" and "Shall We Gather at the River." The pallbearers were all nephews of the deceased, John M. Anthony, Ben F. Anthony, Bert Anthony, Lon K.

Anthony, R. E. Anthony and King Blair. Burial was made in the Heyworth cemetery. Many flowers were laid upon the grave.

Among those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. John thony of Pleasant Plains, Bert Anthonv and family of Danvers. Ben Anthony and family of Bloomington. L.

K. Bloomington. Dr. Anthony of Rockford. King Blair of Monticello, Fred Freeman of West Point.

Calvin Freeman and family of Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. George Dronnenberg of Odell and other and relatives of BloomInston. Shirley, McLean and Waynesville. Edward Shelton of Rantoul and Bernell Woman Married (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) RANTOUL, Jan.

Olga Honyk of Bernell and Edward Shelton of Chanute field at Rantoul were married at the parsonage of the The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. P. Morris. The couple will Christian church Thursday evening.

a reside in the Ferguson apartments. DE WITT CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET IS ANNOUNCED Judge D. H. Wamsley Grants Decrees in Two Divorce Actions. to The Daily Pantagraph.) of 13-A cases week bee nas been arranged Wamaley, presiding the setting the Delmar va.

N. Ira 16. Poison, Lane Heller Co. VA. a company, Mileham: Luther North ora va.

va. J. Deva Bruner Benefit association, Charles vs. Walter Davis J. Walden va.

H. for rent. Cawley, A decree of wax entered Judge Carl of Wamsley Blanch Hurd on the ground of desertion. Nona Sudduth was given a divorce from Harry ground maiden of name Hearing the case of Rogers VS. Warner, has eccupied two of included reports M.

Warner. The trustee, of C. hearing been continued until later date. Arguments to demur in the cane Mos. Nellie Brinkley of Clinton against the 11lini Mutual Beneft In- surance company were heard Morton Men's Club Gives Program of Home Talent (Spectal to The Dally Pantagraph.) MORTON, Jan.

men attended the dinner of the Morton Men's club in the dining rooms of the Community church Wednesday night. The meeting was officially destanated "Token and member brought a gift for some other member. The dinner was served by the members of the Semper Fidells club It la customary to have a speaker from some other town at the meetInge, but Wednesday night was a home talent night. Short talks were made by L. R.

Lohmar, president: Philip Hauter, L. F. Carlus, F. W. Reuling, Harry Field, Henry Oekel, George Leberrhein, Clark Braden, Ross Johnson and William Holliger, of Loulsville, who is visiting here.

Mr. Holliger WAS barber here several years ago. George Smith sang several solos, companied by Mrs. A. B.

Stecker. Ross Johnson led the men in munity singing. The February meeting of the club has been cially designated as "Ladies' Night." at which time the wives or friends of the members will be guests, Couple at Farmer City Married 63 Years Ago (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) FARMER CITY, Jan. and Mrs. J.

D. Scott of this city observed their sixty-third wedding anniversary at their home Wednesday. They held open house and friends called during the day to extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs.

Scott were married Jan. 11, 1865 at Hamilton, Ohio. They are the parents of daughter, Mrs. Millard Ijams of two sons, o. G.

Scott of Springfield and 0. E. Scott of Stevensville, Mont. There are a number of grandchildren. Mr.

and Mrs. Scott lived on a farm near Kumler for 30 years but have been residents of Farmer City for a number of years. Cast for Annual Operetta at 'Pontiac High Is Chosen (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) PONTIAC, Ruby Henderson, director of the music courses at the Pontiac Township High school, has announced the selection of the cast for the annual operetta of the high school. The operetta chosen this year is "The Dragon of Wu Foo," to be produced Friday night, Feb. 10 at the high school auditorium.

Those Included in the cast are A Verne Adellan Cool. Harold Steinback, La Ferrias, Hector McAllister, George Horback, Shirley Carpenter, Donald Hopkins, Gwendolyn kins, Verne Brennan, Mary Shephard Hopand Evelyn Barett. Farmer City K. of P. Lodge Officers Are Installed (Special to The Dally Pantagraph.) FARMER CITY, Jan.

of Pythias, installed officers Thursday cellor evening. W. Calhoun, chancommander; John S. Knapp, late; W. chancellor: G.

Neller, preP. Gardiner, master of work; Charles Bates, keeper of records and seals; J. W. Hammer, master of finance; William master. of exchequer; E.

Killion, master of arms; T. E. McConkey, Inguard: C. Mouser. outer guard: W.

E. Neal, W. L. Weedman and E. C.

Jackson, Installing officer. Pontiac Couple Is Given Farewell Party by Lodges (Special to The Dally Pantagraph.) PONTIAC. Jan. and Mrs. Samuel Harper were guests of honor at a farewell party given the I.

O. 0. F. hall Thursday evening. The event was sponsored by the Odd Fellow and the Rebekah lodges.

Dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock a and lowing the dinner a program was given. Mr. and Mrs. Harper who are leaving Pontiac to reside in Claremore, were presented with a number of gifts. More Births Than Deaths 1 01 g) LINCOLN, Jan.

were 2962 births and 238 deaths in Logan county according to the statistical report made to the state by Cloyd F. Gerard, city clerk. December was the only month in 1927 when there were more deaths than births. Central Illinois Road Conditions Following summary road conditions in central No. 2-Open full length of state No detoura at Rutland Weight limit on trucks on bridges over Illinois river at Lasalle, No.

4-All-weather route from Chicago to Bt. Louis. Stone road through No 4-A Joliet Chicaxo open with all- connections south side Chicago, via cather, 95th and 79th streets. No. 39 Open Champaign to Bloominaton.

Short detours of stone at Stanafield. No. 9-Open and paved full width of state, except one-half mile earth detour at Glasford where water covers concrete when Illinois river la high Water is not now over road. State teams assist care through which need help. Eight short gravel stretcher west of Morton near Pekin.

No. S-Open full width of state, Paved and no detours. No. 10-Open and paved full width state for all-weather use. Ferry at Illinois river at ence again operating on schedule.

Approach to terry not good, No. 31-Paved and open for weather use full length from Canton to Quincy, No. 18-Paved except long earth gap east of Mendota between Meridian and Eariville. Earlville to Leland gravel. Avoid the earth stretch in wet weather.

No. 23-State maintained north of Ottawa. Surface in gravel and usually passable but weather conditions interfere. No. 24-This route now open full length, last detour of five rifles having been lifted east of Springfleld.

No. 1-New road between tawa and La Salle on north wide of Illinois river. No. 47-New road between Dwight and Morris No. 70-Open between Rockford and Rochelle.

No. 30-Paved from Peoria to No. 28 except a short cindered gap at Princeville, There 19 temporary bridge in use south of Wyoming. No. 125-Ashland through ant Plains (Quincy route) completed and opened for fic Urbana Relief Corps Elects and Installs (Special 10 The Dally Pantagraph.) URBANA, Jan.

Brew. ster was elected president of the Black Eagle post, No. 160, Woman's Relief Corpe, at the annual business meeting in 1. 0. 0.

F. hall Wednesday afternoon. Other officers are: Senior vice president, Rena Shaw; junior vice president, Agnes Brackman: chaplain, Nancy Free: treasurer, Lucy Cruikshank, conductor, Mabel ington; assistant conductor, Delia Boone: guard, Margaret Capps; vistant guard. Hattie Lytle; Sylvia Spegal; patriotie instructor, Bertha Lott; press correspondent, Kate. Bentord; musician, Nondas Lee.

color bearers, No. 1, Ella Stipes; No. 2, Lille Weeks; No. 3, Bessie Fears; No. 4.

Flossie Riggs. The officers were installed by stalling Officer Katherine Selms. Danvers Farmers Bank Holds Annual Election (Specia to The Dally Pantagraph.) DANVERS, Jan. Otto was elected second vice- president of the Farmers State bank of Danvers and Henry Oldham, director, to fill the vacancy made by the death of A. B.

Miller at the annual meeing held Wednesday. The stockholders also re-elected J. C. Nafziger, Willam Miller, 0. P.

Skaggs, William Shorthose, Robert Otto, J. E. Yoder, J. C. Maurer and W.

D. Kitchell as directors. The directors at their meeting elected J. C. Nafziger, president: William Miller, vice- president; Robert Otto, second vice-president: D.

Kitchell, fer; Miss Mabel Otto, assistant cashler. Circuit Court Docket in Logan Has Few Cases (Special to The Daily Pantagraph.) LINCOLN, Jan. 13. -With 150 cases on the docket, the smallest number in ten years, work is pected to be unusually light in the January term of circuit court, which opens Monday, Jan. 16.

There are 14 criminal, 91 ch acery and 45 common law cases. Judge Frank Lindley, of Paxter. will convene court at 9 a. m. Jan.

16, will Impanel the grand jury. Hearing on naturalization will be conducted Tuesday, Jan. 17, and trial of uncontested divorce cases will be heard Wednesday, Jan. 18. Pupils of Miss Ivy Trimmer Give Recital at Lexington (Special to The Dally Pantagraph.) LEXINGTON, Jan.

of Ivy Trimmer gave a recital at Miss Trimmer's studio on Main street Thursday evening. Those who participated were Miss Trimmer. Rebecca Jones. Dale Beck. Gwen Carnahan.

Helen Lindsay, Betty Smith, Doris Guthrie. Katherine Messer, Charlotte and Elizabeth Langsdale, Dorothy Turnipseed. Mary Elizabeth Schantz. Lincoln Will Entertain Younger Church Workers (Special to The Dally Pantagraph.) LINCOLN, Jan. 13--A two-day conference of younger workers in the Logan county churches will be held in Lincoln Friday and Saturday.

Jan. 27 and 27. Roy Burkhart of International Sunday School association has been obtained to give the principal lectures. Property Transfers (Special so The Dally Pantagraph.) HAVANA, Jan. H.

Hopkins to Ray V. Hopkins, $1.10, northwest quarter southeast quarter, section 4, and part of northeast quarter of southwest quarter section township 19, rare 011. Dan Doyle to Hugh E. Wilson, $1.50. north half of northwest quar ter, north half of north half of south half of northwest quarter, section 86, township 21, range 5.

Services for Woman Killed by I. C. Train Are Held at Clinton (Species de The Dells CLINTON, Jan. 18-Bervices for Mre. Carrie Moore who was killed at the North Mulberry street crossing Wednesday when struck by train.

were held the Putten funeral chapel at 9:30 o'clock Friday 1ng in charge of the Nev. T. H. Tull. Burial was in Woodlaw cemetery, The jury at the inquest coroner's held Thursday afternoon returned verdict finding that Sire.

Moore came to her death by being struck an Illinois Central passenger train, No. 633 west bound on the vana branch. The jury was composed of T. W. Cackley, foreman: J.

Howard McKinney, Id. Walden, Fred Mussen, Herman querfield and John Jenkins, Engineer Lawrence and Ira Wal. lace the conductor in charge of the train testified that they saw Mrs. Moore walking on the track AN the train was polling out of Clinton at o'clock Wednesday afternoon and blew the whistle number of times Apparently Mrs. Moore became confused and stepped in front of train Instead of getting off the track.

Her neck was broken in the accident. She died soon afterwards Mrs. Moore la the second person to be kitted at the North Mulberry street crossing within the past three years. Mrs. Rose, mother of Stre.

James Bates was killed by the light Special two and one half yearn 320. Mrs. Ross stepped in front of the train but she was deaf and did not hear the approaching train. Champaign Man Is Married to June Elmore of Weedman (Sperial de The Daily WEEDMAN, Jan. 13-Miss Elmore of Weedman and Kenneth Ambler of Champaign were married In Champaten Saturday, Dec.

31 me cording to word received here. The marriage was kept secret until day. Mrs. Ambler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Ambler and has lived here most of the time. She attended high school in Farmer City. Mr. Ambler is a son of the Rev. Mr.

Ambler, a former pastor here but now of Parte. The couple wilt reside in Champalen, Calendar of Events. Orig for refer Fee Evente appears every Saturdey, fellowship banquet, Farmer Annual meeting of rift Wei Jan. Formal opening end dedicetien Magdalene hell, a dermitery at Curese college. -Band lave election elty beautifcatien project.

Springheie. 27-Tesewell County Form farm institute. Feb. 1-Greyment corn Feb. arm Institute Merne.

-Anchor farm institute, county farm Institute, Gibran cite. -State Institute, Wau Son Has Mother Arrested for Disorderly Conduct (Special The Daily Pentagraph.) HAVANA. Jan. Are. Ora Hallmark was arrested Wednesday evening on a charge of disorderly conduct on a complaint filed by her son, John Hallmark, Jr.

Mrs. 1 mark Was taken to the county jail and spent the night there. On Thursday morning her son appeared before Justice Krebaum and with. drew the charge and paid the costa. Electric Curling Irons 88c $1.50 Values, with Silk Cord.

Extra Special. WH.ROLAND bob Dividends since 1901 1909 1904 1911 ILLINOIS Power and Light tion is a public utility organization 1912 tion which of a has number resulted of from smaller the companies. 1913 light With and its subsidiaries and it other supplies essential electric utilipower ty services to a population of 1,580,000 1914 in Since Illinois, this lowa Kansas. and its prede; 1904 Company cessors have a record of uninterrupted 1915 stock. dividend The scope payments of the on their company and preferred de1916 that mand payments this for its policy will service of continue give continuous in every the indication dividend future.

1917 Investors who seek safety of principal, adequate and continuous tax free security and ready marketability 1918 will do well to consider of this $96.00 stock which, share, at its present price per pays the investor 6.25%• 1919 Call our Investment De1920 1921 piete partment 60 information, will today' not for To obligate com. do you in any way. 1922 ILLINOIS 1923 POWER AND LIGHT SERVICE 1924 1925 Illinois Power and Light 1926 Illinois Power Light a Corporation Corporation, market for through its its preferred Investment stock. 1921 Department, maintains ready Join Our BANK Christmas Club This Week OR Those Christmas bills coming in now could easily have been taken care of with a Christmas Club account. Provide for next year by coming in now and joining our Club.

A little each week is all that is necessary. What the Different Clubs will pay you. Increasing Clubs Even Amount Clubs In 50 Weeks In 50 Weeks (For Christmas 1928) (For Christmas 1928) le 2e Club Pays $25.50 Club Pays $12.50 Club $12.75 Pays 5c Pays $63.75 50c Club Pays $25.00 10c Club Pays $127.50 $1.00 Club Pays $50.00 DECREASING CLUBS $2.00 Club Pays $100.00 You can begin with the largest $5.00 $250.00 deposit and decrease your de $10.00 Club Pays $500.00 posits each week. $20.00 Club Pays $1,000.00 CORN BELT BANK Main at Jefferson St. Services for El Paso Youth, Accidentally Shot Will Be Held Sunday (Special de The Dally EL PABO, Jan.

-Services for Clifford Evans, who was ally shot Thursday night will be held at the J. J. Ficken funeral chapel at 2:30 o'elock Sunday afternoon in charge of the Rev. M. B.

Vanteer. Burial will be in the Pase cometery. Clifford Evans, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Evan was Instantly killed by Harry Phillips, 35, a roomer at the Evane home o'clock Thursday night white the two were searching for prowiere on the Evana premises.

Believing that they heard someone In the yard outalde the Evane home young Evans ran out of the house and to the garage to investigate white Mr. Phillips ran upstairs him revolver. When Phillips came down into the yard he heard noise in the garage and fired into the age three times with him 38 caliber pistol. One of the bullets struck above the heart, killing aim a most instantly. Clifford Evan Wan born ant reared in Para community, He tr survived by his parents and two brothers and two staters.

Mr. Phil. dips had been resident at the Evans home for two weeks coming here from Minonk. He had been employed on the section here. Marriage Licenses (Special de The Daily URBANA.

Jan. Guy Dillon, Harrisburg. 39; Edith Arther, ville, 26. Great News for Stomach Sufferers were at planted petition that charge Pasadena, taken Baptist court. Pied if you suffer from Gas.

Heart burn, Beichies. Nausea, And Headaches due to poor digestion here great news for You Too don't have take our word for or the thousands who It- you prate that at bate the treatment that really else results I our cont dent are that Dieter make feel want you to scription department for a package to take dose right there you Diotex You don't soon feel greatly Improved just return the package and we'll refund your money to full with out question or argue meht. Don't Don't suffer fief Dieter today. Only 60e. MORATZ THE BIG MEDICINE MAN.

At the Busy Corner Where Main Street Crosses Frent. was Barnett, was are Russell a camp No. Insurance URBANA. avera. Dempsey, morning In of Stiew January A.

services a is and two day, MY STORE PRICES ARE SLASHED In the Sale of Men's and Young Men's ('Coats To $25 To $40 0'Coats O'Coats .95 0.75 To $50 O'Coats now. 39.75 Fine Materials, Best New Models All Plain Colors and Late Novelties Men's and Young Men's FINE SUITS At a Price All the New That Is Stripes, Unusually .50 Novelty Low for Weaves and Such High Good Plain Quality Colors. Three- Coat Models for Young Men Conservative Styles for the Older Man Handsome, all wool materials in rich new weaves and fashionable colors--the man who is seeking value in a fine suit owes it to himself to investigate this offer. -Men's My Store, MY STORE Demonstration Today! Cudahy's Puritan, Pure Pork and Small Link Sausage Free Sandwiches and Souvenirs Balloons for the Kiddies Choice Lean Lean Pot Pork Boiling Roast Roast Beef 15c lb. 13c lb.

10c lb. Sunlight Creamery Butter, 55c Ra.w Full No. 1 Leaf Dressed Storage Lard Chickens Eggs 15c lb. 35c lb. 36c doz FINEST NATIVE VEAL AND SPRING LAMB Spare Ribs, Bones, Snouts, Ears, Chitterlings, Fresh Bread, Cooked Meats of All Kinds.

A Shopping Bag FREE with Each Purchase Today We Give Green Stamps. Prompt Delivery Service. Phone 2540, My Store Meat Market.

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.