The College Heights Herald from Bowling Green, Kentucky (2024)

College Heights Herald Western Kentucky State College VOLUME 27-NUMBER 10-Z-245 BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1951 Herald Takes Top Award 2nd Straight Year The College Heights Herald has, for the fourth time, been accorded the highest recognition possible for school publication. In a nation wide contest conducted by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association at Columbia University, the Herald received Medalist rating in competition with newspapers and magazines from other schools throughout the country. Less than ten per cent of the papers earning a first class rating are awarded the rank of Medalist. A SIMILAR AWARD was given the Herald last year by Columbia University and in 1942 and 1944 by the Associated Collegiate Press sponsored by the University of Missouri. On accomplishment of the latest rating, Vernon Stone, senior English major from Woodburn, becomes the first Herald editor to guide the paper to two national awards.

Sam Steger was editor in 1942, and Muriel Dann in 1944. Other awards have been won by the Herald since it became affiliated with national college press organizations. In 1943, 1944, 1945, and 1949, the paper was rated First Class by Columbia university. Mack Sisk and Dorthie, Hall were co-editors in 1943. Marjorie Rickman was editor in 1945, and Charles Wheeler in 1949.

The Herald has consistently received first place rating since becoming a member of the Columbia Association. Only once has it dropped from this superior position, when it was given a second place rating. THE CSPA JUDGING committee, composed of leading educators in field of journalism, grade the college papers on a comparative basis. Make-up, content, advertising, writing, and editing are the main points considered by the judges, and point values are given for quality in each of these. Rating points have been established after a study of what constitutes the typical student newspaper.

Eight hundred and fifty points of a possible 1000 give a paper a first class rating. Second place award is earned by 750 points, and third place rating is given papers making 650 points. The scoring sheet for this year has not yet been released by the CSPA. Other press associations with which the Herald is affiliated are the Kentucky Press Association, the National Editorial Association, and the National Advertising Service, Inc. It was formerly a member of the Associated Collegiate Press of the National Scholastic Press As- Continued on page 12, Column 3 Summer School Programs Ready At Dean's Office June 4 until July 28 are the dates set for summer school of 1951 according to the announcement from Dean F.

C. Grise. Mimeographed copies of the schedule of courses are available now at the dean's office. The summer school session will consist of one term of eight weeks with classes scheduled six days a week. Courses will be available in all departments and on all levels, freshmen to graduate students inclusive.

In addition to the regular courses which will be scheduled, a number of special features will be available during the summer session. Among these are: workshop in visual education, workshop for school lunch workers, special courses for attendance officers, and workshop in moral and spiritual education. A special bulletin giving complete information concerning the summer session will be available about May 1. Senior Dinner April 30 The Social Committee of the senior class recently announced plans for the senior dinner, to be held on April 30, at 6:30 p.m., at Manhatten Towers. Chapel Speaker Rabbi William B.

Silverman Noted Rabbi To Give Chapel Rabbi William B. Silverman of the Jewish Chautauqua Society will present the March 28 chapel program. For distinguished civic service and for promoting Christian-Jewish understanding, he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Northland College, Ashland, in -June, 1950. Author of the Town Hall Discussion Series, Rabbi Silverman has written "The High Cost of Jewish Living" and "Judaism and Christianity Compare Notes." These publications are made by the Union of Hebrew Congregations for adult study activities. Rabbi Silverman was graduated from Western, Reserve University, Cleveland, in 1935, receiving the B.

A. degree. In 1941 he was graduated from and ordained Rabbi by the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Following his graduation, Rabbi Silverman assumed the rabbinical leadership of Temple Beth El in Battle Creek, Mich. He also served as civilian Jewish Chaplain of Fort Custer, Mich.

Last September he went as rabbi to the Vine Street Temple in Nashville. Dr. Jones Urges Vets To Check On Status Any veteran who is at all uncertain about his status should contact Dr. Lee F. Jones, local veterans counselor, at once.

This is especially important, now that the Veterans Administration Bill TD7-131 has been passed requiring veterans to commence training under the Veterans Administration prior to July 25, 1951, and to continue such training after that day. It has been decided that graduate study must be started before the above date and must be continuous thereafter, except in some cases. Dr. Jones will interview any veteran having questions before the beginning of the summer session. His office is in Room 135, Cherry Hall Mrs.

T. C. Cherry Taken By Death On March 19 Mrs. Bessie Swartz Cherry, widow of Mr. T.

C. Cherry and retired English instructor at Western, was found dead Tuesday, March 19, at her home, 948 Parkway Drive. She was about 77 years old. Police made the discovery at 9:30 p. m.

Tuesday after being summoned to the residence by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rabold, who became alarmed when they were unable to arouse Mrs. Cherry, their next door neighbor. Mrs.

Rabold told officers she last talked with Mrs. Cherry about 9 p. m. Saturday. Telephone calls to the Cherry residence were not answered Sunday and fear for her safety mounted after she had not seen all day Monday.

Coroner Raymond McClard estimated the time of her death at 11 p. m. Saturday. He said death was caused by coronary occlusion, a heart condition. Officers entered the residence through a side door by use of a master key to verify the discovery.

Mr. Cherry, who died July 22, 1947, was superintendent of city schools for many years prior to his retirement a short time before his death. He was, associated with his brother, the late Dr. H. H.

Cherry in the Southern Normal School, the forerunner of Western State College. Funeral services were conducted from the residence, the Rev. John B. Horton pastor of the State Street Methodist church, officiating. Pall bearers were Earl Rabold, Dr.

J. L. Harmon, J. Murray Hill, Dr. Paul L.

Garrett, Dr. Gordon Wilson, Dr. F. C. Grise, L.

C. Curry, Joe McFarland, and A. J. Winkkenhofer Jr. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.

John K. Breast, Shelbyville, two sons, Harold S. Cherry, Ridgefield, and T. C. Cherry Westbury Long Island, New York.

Easter Sunrise Service Planned For The Stadium Easter Sunrise Service will be held at the stadium Sunday morning, at 5:45. In the event of bad weather the service will be in Van Meter Auditorium. Rev. James A. Lollis, pastor of the First Christian church, will deliver the message.

The invocation will be given by Dr. Earl A. Moore of the English department. Members of the Western music music department, will furnish the music. The service is under direction of the Religious Council of Western and the Bowling Green Ministerial Association.

Students, faculty, and the are invited. The program is expected to. last approximately half an hour. Western-Bradley Meet In Tourney Tuesday Western's high flying Hilltoppers, who have accepted a bid to the Bradley University National Campus Tournament, drew the high ranking Bradley Braves in their first round game set for 9:30 Tuesday night. Western, Bradley, Toledo, Utah, Syracuse, Wyoming, Villanova, and Duquesne make up the field of eight teams who will participate in the tourney, which is acclaimed by many as an equal to the National Invitational Tournament.

THE TOURNAMENT will open in the Robertson Memorial Fieldhouse, K. E. A. To Meet April 11, 12, 13 For the second year, Western will have its K. E.

A. headquarters in the lobby of the Brown hotel during the K. E. A. convention, April 11, 12, and 13.

Personnel permanently stationed at the headquarters will be Grace Overby, Kelly Thompson, William J. "Uncle Billy" Craig, and Bob Cochran. Western's annual K. E. A.

breakfast will be held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Brown hotel, Friday morning, April 13, at 8:00. Registration for this seventy-ninth annual K. E. A. convention will begin at 12:00 noon Wednesday, April 11, in the gymasium of the Louisville Service club, 824 South Fourth street.

According to the March Kentucky School Journal, the general convention program will not only include outstanding speakers of national prominence but also a program by the all-state chorus, and a reception and ball to be held in the ballroom of the Brown hotel following the closing session. Seven Contestants To Speak In Odgen Contest Here April 4 Honoring the tradition of old Ogden college, the annual Ogden Oratorical contest will be held at chapel, April 4. Entrants in the contest as announced by Russell H. Miller of the English department are the following juniors and seniors: Thomas Beard, James Chamberlain, David Mefford, David Field, Bobby Lively, Raymond Gravens, and Douglas Hensgen. Preliminaries are set for Monday, April 2, at 4:00 in Van Meter Auditorium.

At this time the contestants will be eliminated to two. The Ogden Oratorical contest is open only to junior and senior men. Orations they deliver are of their own composition. Douglas Hensgen was winner of the contest last year. Western Players To Give "Kind Lady" As Spring Production Here April 5 By Jo Ann Jessee engagements, "Kind Lady" The Western Players will present fully passed the outside, only to be thwarted by the successmost exacting test "Kind a mystery melo- of entertainment plunderers time and again.

values and public drama, in Van Meter Auditorium, acceptance. Frank. Bacon will have the role Thursday evening, April 5, at 8:15. Sara Downing will be seen in the of the gang's ringleader, a suave Director Russell H. Miller is con- title role of the wealthy, lonely lady character who is rather a combinasidering the possibility of a prevue with a kind heart who befriends, tion of Svengali, Kind Hearted Heron Wednesday eve- one after another, a cultivated va- bert, and Dapper Dan, with a touch performance ning, April 4, if necessary arrange- grant, his ailing wife and child, and of Raffles on the side.

His ments can be made. Reserved seats their supposed relatives. Too late, accomplices, who are hauled into may be secured in advance of the the genial and unwary hostess finds the spinster's house by a cool ruse, play the week of the production in she is harboring a sinister gang of will be played by June Carroll the bursar's office. thieves. Her generosity leads her Lewis, Kenneth Shore, Martha into a horribly terrifying adventure, Helen Long, Shirley Risher, and EDWARD CHODOROV'S mystery as she is held prisoner in her own Charles Craft.

is the horror Story of a house for years, slowly drained of melodrama Other important roles are interwoman almost killed by her own her money, her contact kindness. With its with the preted by Alice Allen, Macon Ray, psychological and world--and almost her sanity. Jannetta Williams, Mary Ann sociological implications, the play Charles Reno, is dfferent from anything the West- THE SUSPENSE in "Kind Baker, Julian Ball, Lewis ern Players have Lady" Berry. Mary Ann Reno is stage Having thrilled and presented to date. mounts as the harrowed spinster manager and Joe kimbrough, chilled New attempts to outwit her crafty cap- scenic artist, for Western Yorkers in two long-run Broadway tors and get word to her friends Players' production of 'Kind Tuesday, March 27, with the Duquesne-Wyoming game at 7:45 p.

and Western's Hilltoppers engaging the Bradley Braves at 9:30. The winners of these two games will meet in the semi-finals Friday night. Games on Wednesday will pit Syracuse against Toledo in the opener and Utah against Villanova in the nightcap, No action is scheduled for Thursday. The finals will be Saturday, March 31 with Friday's losers meeting at 7 p.m. for third place and Friday's winners colliding at 8:45 p.m.

for the championship. WESTERN HAS NEVER defeated a Bradley basketball team. The two schools have met four times, with Bradley winning all four. Bradley's victories were 39-32 in 1937, 32-24 in 1938, 39-38 in 1939, and 95-86 in the quarterfinals of the National Invitational Tournament in 1949. Western lost only once to Bradley here, twice at Peoria, and once at Madison Square Garden.

Bradley's prestige dropped a few points last week, when a mediocre Oregon State team startled the Braves by 30 points, 75-45, in the finals of the Hawiian Invitational Tournament. Bradley will be counting heavily on all-American Gene Melchiorre, who is the teams' spark plug and leading scorer. Western will counter with big Rip Gish, the high scoring Hilltopper forward and Jack Turner, who was recently taken off the ailing list. The twelve man squad also includes Gene Rhodes, Eddie Diddle, Frank Wallheiser, Dick White, Bill Scott, Monie Beard, Don McGuire, Bob McGuire, and Maurice Hale. WESTERN GOES into the meet with a record of 19 wins and 9 losses.

Bradley has a record of 30 wins and 5 losses, and also won the Sugar Bowl Championship. Bradley, currently ranked 6th in the nation, is considered by many as the best in the tourney, but if the Toppers play the brand of ball they are capable of playing, Bradley will have to be at their best to beat them. Assistant coach Hornback stated, "We aren't going up just for the ride, and if we play a good brand of ball, we can win." Rifle Team To Meet Eastern The Army ROTC rifle team and the Air ROTC rifle team will compete in a round robin tournament here tomorrow for the purpose of selecting a rifle team to engage Eastern's rifle team there, March 31. The team will be made up of ten participants who qualify as the best ten shots. Eastern's rifle team will come to Western for a return match on April 7.

The team that collects the greatest total score for the two meets wins possession of a handsome trophy for one year. Western has held possession of this trophy for the past two years. TEA Group Meeting Here This Afternoon The members of the delegate assembly of the K. E. A.

representing the T. D. E. A. are having special meeting this afternoon at 1:30 in the Little Theater.

This meeting was called by the president of the T. D. E. Mr. George Taylor, Dr.

Mary I. Cole is vice president of this organization. Dr. Bert R. Smith will represent Bowling Green at this meeting.

Seniors Should Apply All graduating seniors are urged to file their applications for positions with the job placement burear as soon as possible according to W. J. "Uncle Billy" Craig of the Placement Bureau,.

The College Heights Herald from Bowling Green, Kentucky (2024)


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