Columbia Daily Tribune from Columbia, Missouri (2024)

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Columbia Daily Tribunei

Columbia, Missouri

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Page 4U Columbla (Mo) Tribune Thursday Sept 7 1944 Soviets Prepa ring to Attack A' Perkins has rd SEE WHAT Spends Leave Here The Old Home Town By Stanley River Stages lashes of Lit The' Weather I WHEN IS THIS BIG You need a 1 "TO DROP? £5 priority to own an 'tRK Opportunity arm! A i Leads Dutch' Troops says Dr Philip thelr star animal performer Bernard of' Cal Carp Buffalo and Perch Lifebuoy Soap STATIONERY and Dm Service Lux lakes WHAT IS AN OPPORTUNITY ARM? INSULATION and STORM SASH Buy Now While Available! a phone ano Bread Creamo Giovanni Ventena andthe San upper a brisk dead on put up left '50 5 6 7 60c 75c 50c KANSAS CITY 108 fall 03 104 fall 04 BOONVILLE 117 fall 10 One of the ambitions of James I of England was to excel as an au thor His first work was a volume of verse called of a Pren tise in the Divine Art of Pbesie" ree Estimates without obligation 56 54 51 GOSH' THOSE HARD PUNCHES ROLL HIM LIKE WEDDIN' RICE 1 air Pa MEMBER 16 NINTH JTo And Rest BROADUS Mont Her Job as superintendent of Powder River schools should be easy for Lillian Heiskari 'after the vacation she's been through' She spent the sum mer on her parents' Minnesota farm a tractor shocking grain canning food tending chickens milking the cow feeding hogs hoe ing gardens Something ishy PHILADELPHIA City de tectives handicapped by lack of fingerprints are working op the latest who stole the four goldfish from the chief probation city hall headquarters? Bob Burns and Grade Allen fith Bin Goodwin Are Back on the Air 5 Listen to Them Over KMOX St LoUlsf Every Tues At I High speeds save very little time and are extremely dan gerous An Increase in speed from forty to sixty miles per hour saves only thirty seconds 'per mile Beatrice Creamery Co' jenerson city Mo 73 75 74 72 69 62 59 57 PHnr A the Netherlands has been ap pointed by General Eisenhow er as commander of all Dutch 1 forces of the Interior In the re demption of his country from Nazi domination He Is shown' above talking to one of his meh during an Inspection oh the British Canadian sector in rance (International Soundphoto) 3 bars 23c 3 bars 23c small 10c Murine 49c Kidney Pills 69c Woodbury Shampoo 39c was Initiated into dlan tripe at the Rosebud reser vation I The Indians call Gen Danielson "Cinte iyauke for short The name means Thunderhawk The Highway Patrol i Says Pve Leonard turned toCamp Stewart Ga after spending a furlough with his wife and his parents Mr and Mrs A Perkins 1002 Wilkes Bbulevard Mrs Perkins had' been in lor ida Georgia and North Carolina with her husband until recently and Is now making her home at 312 Christian College avenue Prior to his induction into the army in June 1943 Pvt Perkins was employed with the Pan Dandy Baking company i or Missouri and Bottom Kansas arms 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 Temperature at Date Since Highest 102 in 1939 Lowest 43 in 1898 One Tear Ago Today i Highest 83 Lowest 51? Precipitation This month to date 0 Normal this month to date 100 Same month last year to date 74 This year to date i Last year to date 3547 Normal this year to date 2803 Sun 'Rises tomorrow 6:43 lets 7:31 1 REAL ESTATE Salt Rental A Management RANK TULlv 200 px Nat' 3k PH? 3799 Member Columbia Real kalate Board Burglar Suspect SALT LAKE CITY burg lary? suspect forced Lhis way into Cornelius home and was cracked on the head by a 'coffee pot swung by Mrs Johnson Then he went to Mrs residence and fell through a glass door in the dining room inally he went to the Jesse Drury home but was caught by police oalled'by Mrs Drury's daugh ter em Room and Board By Gene Ahern ell in Brooklyn NEW YORK A war veteran took a nap under some poplar trees in a Brooklyn park and when he awoke his upper teeth were miss ing He returned to search the next day and found the poplars were missing too However a park department foreman found the teeth and returned them to the owner i Boom Town i OKLAHOMA CITY (P) When the Paul McCraokdhs moved into a new home 12 years ago they noticed a rusty steel ring project ing slightly above the ground They pay any attention to it un til their 12 year old son Jackstarted investigating recently The result: They found three full drums containing no gallons of gasoline Cooed McCracken: "The barrels were a little rusty but the gaso line inside was undamaged" Tearing him down junior 7 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Opportunity arms COOMTON 3HATI ItOKIKt WILCOMIB Jeris Hair Tonic 1 75c Jeris Hair Oil 60c Both for 76c plus tax KODAK INISHING HI IU reanio In ordr to qualify ao an Opportunity orm th oaa we Mar you wok painted woathar tight Improved toil with gaod A 3 faportly planned crop rotation It must be a going concern Presented by SWAN 4 Bwefl Boapg hl 1 Buildings oro In flrsl claM shop 1 PoncM are in good conditionYnu'li nnnd no extnnslvn no now conitrucfion LT McDaniel" boatswain mate 2c arrived in Columbia last Tues day to spend a leave with his wife Mrs Irene McDaniel at their home 5091b Price and other relatives and friends Mrs McDaniel is employ ed in St Louis McDaniel recently returned from the South Pacific where he was on duty on an aircraft carrier' i He was employed by Hobart Roofing company before entering the navy two years ago He is the son of Mr and Mrs Mc Daniel Third street i SOVIET TROOPS are shown on the Sheshupa river at the frontier of East Prussia where they are re portedly massing for a wide scale attack against Germany proper (International Soundphoto) inson jr son of Mr and Mrs Robinson I 205 Sexton road I has been sent tc Sill Okla tc begin tralntni with the field tillery Pvt Rob inson was in ducted into th army on Augus 16 His brothei Pfc Wallace Rob inson is servin' overseas or Columbia and vicinity air tonight riday and Saturday Not so cool tonight warmer riday and Saturday1 i or Missouri: air tonight and riday not so cool west and north tonight except in vicinity of St Louis: warmer riday highest tem peratures lower most of state The Thermometer 3 Methodist Church Elects Officers Paul Mourning was elected su perintendent of the Missouri Meth odist church Sunday school last night at the fourth quarterly con ierence held in the room of the church Seven new stewards who Were elected to ssrve during the follow ing conference year include Powell rench Dr (Dale Summers unk red Miller Purinton and Mrs John Allton Dr Galatas of ay ette presided at the conference 3 Some Australian aborigines find fire making so difficult they will take a long Journey to borrow a light from a distant tribe rather than make a fire themselves Give and Take CEDAR RAPIDS la The thief who stole Keith Larson's suit case from his parked car was a considerate fellow indeed i The bandit inspected the valise found 31000 worth of war bonds but he take them He tucked them away in the glove compartment of Larson's car left a note advising the owner where they could A be found He also asked that police not be notified of the theft a 60 50 50 50 50 8 53 9 59 10 64 11 67 12 70 1 70 2 72 Columbia This KtlSO siu voruy Building St Josspk Missouri Hopes ade for An Adjournment JEERSON CITY Sept 7 VP) of ar birthday adjourn ment of Missouri's constitutional convention "faded foday as the dele gates turned into the last phase? of their year long task of Writing a new The convention yesterday turned down a proposal by its rules com mittee designed to hasten adjourn ment by speeding up 'the procesB of final passage ot'all the pro visions which it has taken more than 11 months to approve only tentatively Before the convention ean ad which some had hoped to do by Sept 21 a year after it every provision must be brought up again for final vote The committee plan would have provided separate votes only on the lengthy articles unless 20 delegates insisted on voting separately on a single short section and then would required only a major ity vote of the delegates present to approve the section With protests of ''gag' rute" op ponenta defeated the committee plan and won adoption of a pro vision that only 12 members' can force separate consideration of a section and that then the section must win 42 a majority of all the for final adop tion Some members pointed out that could slow up the final passage process and might result in defeat of several measures which barely squeezed oy with less than 42 votes on perfection Returns to Camp Rinso Spry 1 lb: jar 26c 3 1 jar 75c Small 10c Breadth ed him at the Humane LOS ANGELES OT Mrs Eliza animal beth Valenzuela's thick piled unl Officials of the Pilgrimage Play hair do nrobablv saved her I a religious drama later bailed out serious injury Spooner He testified at the trial of two men accused of hitting her with a bottle As it was he said she escaped with a concussion American Army' Occupies Lucca ROME Sept 7 Americantroops have occupied the important (Italian city of Lucca 10 miles (northeast of Pisa and driven the Germans pack to within less than six miles of the main Gothic line defense beyond the town Allied headquarters announced Only slight gains were reported in the British Eighth ma jor offensive in the Adriatic sec tor where Allied forces entered RIccione Marina on the coast five miles southeast of Remini and captured Besanigo 2'4 miles In land These advances were achieved after bitter fighting by infantry pnd tanks against the dogged and well entrenched Nazis ighting was reported heavy along a 14 mile front from the coast with the Eighth army stead ily hammering way through German tank and anti tank gun defenses British troops crossed the Ven tena river and were within five miles of the eastern border of the tiny principality of San Mar ino A little farher inland Brit ish and Canadian units captured 2000 foot Monte dominating the Conca valley The Germans fight there and ihn clnnoc American troops were advaheing toward the western end of theGothic line on a broad frontPatrols were reported operating just south of Monsumniano 15 pules east of Lucca Ameri cans were within sigtit Tf Pistorlaand controlled the highway leading into the city from the South i In the coastal sector ifth army patrols encountered considerable small arms mortal and piachine gun fire as well mine fields The allied Command Paid is expected the enemy' will offer resistance by action until the ifth army reaches the Gothic line which he probably will defend stubbornly In the sector north of lorence and the mountainous to the east the Germans continued to withdraw Eight humired personi Chance employes and their families and friends attended the annual picnic held at the Buford Chance Memo rial park Saturday Odd and 'sil ver service pins were awarded to I Ralph Botkin Oano Chance Hollander eand Austin Qulsenberry for 15 years 'of service Clifton i Hartley rances Hartley Leo Mc Donald and Millard Potts for 10 service pins Anderson Ausmus Leonard Jack Curtrlfht Russell Oreenlee 'How ard K' Hutchens Mildred Kuhne Clyile Ward and (Don Zuerl for five service' Service men who have become ellgblle for service pins their seniority being cumula tive are Bagley Bemalse Boatman Calvin Church Cox Tom Marshall Daugherty jr David Green John Hartley Ralph Hulen Michael Keenoy and Vaughn Coe i i Marilyn Bamthouse 12 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Lyle Bamthouse suffered injuries to her head when she fell from a swing while playing at the Methodist church yard Tuesday She regain ed consdousness but remains in a serious condition Elsie Bagley was injured Tues day when a freight house truck fell on his right foot breaking his great toe Raymond Dale Sewell 7 years old was operated on Wednesday at the Audrain County hospital in Mexico His mother Mrs Ray Sex ton is at his bedside Dr and Mrs Carl Hulen and family of Lansing Mich spent Tuesday here with his sisters' Mrs Paul Burson and family and Mrs Verdel! Klnkead and family They wre en route to Columbia to visit her parents Mr and MrsRoes Brown Mr and Mrs Renie and daughter Miss Lura Ann and Mrs Anna Grinstead were in Mexico Tuesday attending the funeral of their uncle John Rente Pvt red Crawford Pvt Bert Reams Jr Pvt Baneberry and Pvt Sammy Ward all of Camp Hood TexM are here on a 10 day furlough visiting their families Robert Ridgeway of Lllpsis Kas is visiting with his parents Mr and Mrs Will Ridgeway Mr and Mrs Diggs left Wednesday for St Petersburg Ha to make their home Mrs Thurston spent Wed nesday in Columbia Mr and Mrs Oliver Marshall en tertained with supper Wednesday evening for Cpl Don Sexton of North Carolina Guests were his mother Mrs 'Claude Sexton and Misses Pauline Reed Dorothy Ow ings Anna Marshall and Pauline Reed BICYClf HEADQUARTERS "ECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT te Tebea Lambs Wool Seat Cov ini Oriidnal Chreaae Steer Hora Handlebars ork'Pranks New Hubs eng spokes Pre War Rebber Pedals Mirren MwwWli i vs BOB HULETT Pvt 0 Robinson Trains at Sill DANCING AT DEEN'S AIR CONDITIONED GOLDEN CAMPUS Vernon Hughes His Orchestra Dancing from 9 until Cover charge every night except Monday Night i No Admission Charge Abo Use Our Modem Air Conditioned Bowling Alley Broadway and Hitt DANIELS LUMBER CO HETRICK Mgr 116 Ninth Dial 9797 JOO WILL BUY 100 sheets 75 envelopes ofattractive personal station ery printed with name and address! "other sizes and styles arealso available in quantity It's an ideal gift American Red 'Cross sug gests stationery as one of the preferred gifts for the i man or woman in the serv s' DAIRY GOAT JOURNAL Printers Publisher 10 South Sth St A AM to be proud of is waiting for you now A a home for you and your family a thriv ing business You need any you even need much of an initial outlay to own an oppor iTUNITY farm And you buy it at a price you can afford to pay on easy terms to suit your own con venience 1 'j' find the soil fertility of an opportunity farm at a high ready for maximum crop production no need for yod wait for the farm always wanted Take advantage of thischance to own a goinj an OPPORTUNITY farm! Come in and talk it over today or see your 7 broker A LUCKY ER YOU I WHEN I GIVES YUH MY SHAVED TODAY CHUM IT REIGHT CAR JOLT OR YER IST WOULD A YER EYES ARE GONNA BE LIKE A GO RED PORKYPINE VA LIKE TRAIC SIGNALS rcK A WEEK Centralia News '1 MRS DOTY Correspondent Pr si I ipiriAVBJ'S ISH AND OOD MARKET Incentive WEST CHESTER Pa The St high school football I squad was watching the Philadel phia Eagles professional team prac tice Rev Jerome Kleber com mented: "Spirit see? the way to S' father and have Rats SPOKANE Wash (P) Hardly anyone wants 25 white rats Depu ty Sheriff Mons Ulvln learned after he arrested a man who used the rodents to test hjs food before din ner V' Ulvin was ready to Join his cap tive in the psychopathic ward aftey vain attempts to give the rats to: severaj physicians Gonzaga Univer sity the county health officer and a medical laboratory 1 He finally left them at a hospital with a note saying: "Compliments of Dr i Soldier Brave YANKTOWN Maj Danielson commanding general of the Seventh service command was initiated into the Sioux Iri Third and Broadway resh Water ish Dependable Service jt Superior Quality LOWERS from Our Own Greenhouses Season WiS Close Soon Gibb's a RYERS ill Your Lockers Now Phone 8108 1 W'A Special Prescription SAVING PHON Rppvrrw I WHITE DRUG CO 120 South Ninth Bldg I SPECIAL PRICES EVERY DAY I irst Blow at Marcus Islands PACIIC LEErHEAD 5 QUARTERS PEARL HARBOR Sept 7 Every Japanese base of Importance in a giant triangle having the Marshall as its apex and the Bonins to Celebes as a base has been blanketed by Allied anight within a week 1 The missing point was filled in yesterday by an announcement of Adm Chester Nlmitz that ar my Liberators Sunday and Monday attacked Marcus Island 12X) miles 1 zouheast of Tokyo It was the 1 first land based bomber blow there Monday Nimitz had reported a combination of air and naval pun ches at the Bonins behind Marcus and Wake in front Of it" Wednesday announce ment told of light Sunday i Monday air strikes at Iwo in Volcano Islands Bad weather hampered all 1 operations in the Southwest cific but Gen Douglas air arm managed to get in an other stiff jalj at enemy shipping off the southern Philippines In the Mandiano area where re peated appearances of small sup ply ships have been noted Mac Thursday communique said the night prowling Catalina flying boats sank three smhll freighters Monday night and early 'Tuesday Donkey HOLLYWOOD GP) Ducky Hollywood fling is ended Ducky Poo is a small white rfnn hoofing tartIed spotted hlm spirit too it we got pgid hoofing along at 3 a and book 1 returned a freshman grid prospect or an ifter ichnnl lunrk Creamo is the Cfeam chnir Vfliflrfltflhifl oils and containing 9000 units ot precious Vitamin A Dill Dtentv fit vreamo is the ideal bread spread for active growing children Get a Bound from your grocer today Hlth In Crnm anrf rnthvi Vitamin Ik 1 7 'T Hi! 'rasreaiflMi Mi 7 3 A i B3Kj (WP STILL HAVE A GQIN9 COMCEfgNC I BUT THEY HIIED A CHAINSMOKER OI? A NIGHT WATCHMAN AND HET (COULONT ISEAE Tv Il A3 SrANLEZ THE POWDER MILL WEST TOWN IS i a I WME 0li EXTRA SPCIaI 600D! 1C A i I I h'r MM I ti 4 I' I tin BH II mud ME II I mis I I mi ii I nr Lcai' Mh rendl arrehMt 4 sex 7 A J1 i ajjdPr i rlai 4 iHl SKr 'C 'IMiIMKMe if I i JI Stt I.

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Columbia Daily Tribune from Columbia, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.