SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (2024)



The following file describes a Keter-class anomaly and is Level 4/8110 Classified.
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Item#: 8110


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SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (1)

Apollo 14 Landing Site (█ Miles from SCP-8110's Initial Discovery).

Assigned SiteSite DirectorResearch HeadAssigned Task Force
LFRMAU Area-02Hu WeiCheung LiI-77 "Silent Running"

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (2)

Skull of recovered SCP-8110 Instance.

Special Containment Procedures: A secure perimeter is to be established around the Fra Mauro Formation at the site of SCP-8110's initial discovery, and is to be monitored remotely by personnel at Lunar Area-02. Observation and recording equipment is to be situated at the Northern and Southern regions of the site, and footage is to be reviewed by Level 4 personnel at least twice every week.

Interaction with SCP-8110 is strictly forbidden. Lunar rovers, operated remotely by personnel, are to carry out daily seismic scans to record new instances of SCP-8110. Recovered instances are to remain sealed in radiologically-controlled containment vaults at all available Lunar facilities and are not to be interacted with under any circ*mstances. Due to the exposure of Foundation operations in the area, E-Class agents are to work in tandem with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to cover up and discredit any recorded sightings of their presence by unauthorised parties.

Personnel are not permitted access to the Fra Mauro without O5 approval.

Description: SCP-8110 is the designation given to a collection of mummified humanoid corpses buried beneath the lunar surface, located in the Fra Mauro Formation. The condition of the corpses typically appear to be in a state of advanced decay, severely dehydrated, and are normally deprived of all their internal organs. Evaluations with Geiger counters have concluded that SCP-8110 instances are highly radioactive due to longevity of encasem*nt in the lunar surface, regularly emitting roughly 50-70 micro sieverts. Since its establishment in 2001, Site-51Lunar Area-02 has remained oblivious to SCP-8110's presence prior to its official discovery in 2008 (See Addendum 8110.1).

Whilst no approximate estimate towards the total number of corpses has been achieved, the minimum population is confirmed to be ███. Upon recovery, SCP-8110 instances were first thought to be non-anomalous, however further research indicated that new instances suggestibly manifest every few weeks2. Following the cessation of research from the SCP-8110 project, (See Addendum 8110.6), these manifestation events have ceased.

Addendum 8110.1: Discovery

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (3)

Map of the Fra Mauro Formation.

SCP-8110 was first brought to the Foundation's attention on February 11th 2008 during an initial field analysis within the Fra Mauro Formation by research team ON-5 "Balthazar", performing seismic scans in search of potential samples of Helium3. Researchers noted abnormal readings detecting unidentified objects close to the surface and quickly began excavation with applied digging tools, leading to the discovery of the first instances of SCP-8110.

Upon relaying the find back to Lunar Area-02, a full research division was deployed to perform a full field analysis. Further excavation efforts lead to an entire grave site consisting of an estimated total of 23 bodies. Advanced drilling and excavation equipment were requested by the Area Head as well as personnel from Crypto-biological divisions to determine the nature behind SCP-8110. Nearly a month later, a containment perimeter was formed around the Fra Mauro and containment protocols were established.

Initial analysis, carried out by field researchers, detected potential activity within the location of SCP-8110's discovery prior to initial contact despite the lack of expeditions carried out within the region, suggesting potential third party interference. This interference consisted mainly of footsteps and tire tracks with no discernible destination when followed by personnel, and investigation is ongoing.

DATE: 03/07/08
FROM: Senior Researcher Cheung Li, (Lunar Area-02)
TO: Assistant Director Jin Yakov, (Protected Site-98-2)
SUBJECT: Initial Analysis of SCP-8110

We have successfully analysed the SCP-8110 grave site and have made several interesting observations. Whilst the site poses no potential threat to human intervention, Classification wants to hold off on Safe-class publication due to the unknown origins of the corpses we have uncovered. In order to change their minds, I have proposed the autopsy of several of the excavated bodies from the lunar surface. That's my reason for contacting you.

You see, upon initial discovery we found traces of previous human interference such as footprints and tire tracks despite there being no former expeditions within the area. Perhaps if we knew how these people died (if we can even call them people), then we have a better understanding towards how they got here.

What's more is our concerns over the current population total. We've held off on excavation for the time being and have estimated a total towards the amount of bodies currently uncovered, but every couple of days it seems to increase by a small few. All we've been told to do is set up monitoring equipment and watch. Not exactly the smartest course of containment in my opinion. For the bodies we have fully excavated, we have them sealed in radiological containment vaults at Lunar Area-02 and have been prohibited from interacting with them.

I'm personally requesting we have them transported back home for autopsy so we can hopefully get some answers to explain this phenomenon. After all no one would think it'd be logical to send a pathologist to the moon to search for bodies.

DATE: 03/08/08
FROM: Assistant Director Jin Yakov, (Protected Site-98-2)
TO: Senior Researcher Cheung Li, (Lunar Area-02)
SUBJECT: RE: Initial Analysis of SCP-8110

I'm afraid we cannot permit transport of radiological hazards with the current space crafts we have, and transit through SCP-120 has been denied by order of O5 due to possible cross-anomaly contamination. All recovered corpses are hereby ordered to remain contained at any and all Lunar facilities until further notice. Request for a pathologist has been approved, but preparation and deployment will take an estimated 18 months, so an autopsy will have to wait.

As for the potential assumption of previous human intervention on the Fra Mauro, I looked into all lunar research expeditions and patrols within that area. There has been no recorded presence within the SCP-8110 grave site. It seems we have covered near to every corner of the Fra Mauro except that particular region.

Following concerns over control of population growth, limit contact with the anomaly and observe until we have more information. In the meantime, I propose an investigation into the Apollo missions to the moon. From my understanding, Apollo 14 successfully landed in the Fra Mauro Formation. If there is any way of getting a clearer understanding of this anomaly's origins, it's there.

Addendum 8110.2: Historical Overview

Agents embedded within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration were authorised to carry out a low-level investigation relevant to the Apollo missions for further information into SCP-8110's origins.

The following is an interview between Special Agent Robert Kennedy and NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin.

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (4)

Interview with NASA Administrator

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (5)

Date: 05/██/08
Subject: Apollo 14 Mission Analysis
Interviewer: Special Agent Robert Kennedy
Interviewed: NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin

Prior to investigation, Griffin was already aware of the Foundation due to joint collaboration with the Department of Lunar Assessment at Site-98.


Kennedy: What can you tell me about the Apollo 14 mission?

Griffin: Not much, I'm afraid. I wasn't around during that period.

Kennedy: I'm very much aware of that, but we are trying to find the source behind potential interaction with an anomalous presence during that mission.

Griffin: Well, I know we changed 14's mission to the Fra Mauro Formation following several system failures in Apollo 13. I wasn't even here and I dread a repeat of such an event happening under my supervision. But I can assure you that whatever it is you are looking for, you won't find anything here.

Kennedy: I'll be the judge of that. Now, have there been any notable occurrences or abnormalities during any missions to the moon?

Griffin: No point in asking me, my career only began in the 1980's, long after the last Apollo mission: Apollo 17. You should really be asking someone who actually tended to those missions.

Kennedy: Unfortunately, our most reliable sources present in the 1970's are now deceased. You're all we've got, I'm afraid.

Griffin: Well, [EXPLETIVE].

Kennedy: Why did NASA stop going to the moon?

Griffin: Oh, you're not going to believe this. We actually stopped going due to lack of interest from the public. We originally had plans for Apollos 18 through 20, but those plans fell through when money dwindled. It actually wasn't our choice, Congress were the ones who cancelled the Apollo program. As well as that, not every mission was properly defined; it seemed as if we were just sending men to walk on the moon and enjoy the view.

Kennedy: Sounds believable, but irrelevant, to say the least.

Griffin: I thought that if there were any information pertaining to the moon your Foundation would be the first to know. I mean, how long had the Foundation secretly overseen NASA operations?

Kennedy: About ██ years now.

Griffin: See? It should be me asking you about Apollo 14, not the other way around. What is it you are even investigating that involves our intervention?

Kennedy: Hold on.

The sound of papers shuffling can be heard as KENNEDY hands GRIFFIN an image of an SCP-8110 instance.

Kennedy: This is what we're containing.

A moment's silence is heard as GRIFFIN examines the image.

Griffin: What is this?

Kennedy: We've classified it as SCP-8110, a grave site consisting of humanoid corpses that we have discovered in the Fra Mauro Formation.

Griffin: Interesting. I can see why you're investigating this. Never seen anything like this from our lunar observations.

Kennedy: NASA still monitors the moon?

Griffin: We never stopped. Granted, we haven't had as much of our funding invested into lunar evaluation as we did back in '69, but there was never any reason to take eyes off the moon completely.

Kennedy: What happened to the crew of Apollo 14 post-mission to the moon?

Griffin: According to our records, they gathered roughly 94lbs worth of lunar rock for study. The point behind this was for further understanding behind the early history of the moon. They spent roughly 30 hours on the moon, I think. During transit, I remember that 14 ran into similar complications as Apollo 13 that almost caused another disaster, but was thankfully resolved. Upon their return, they would have entered quarantine due to the potential exposure to harmful radiation.

Kennedy: Okay, and those lunar samples that the crew of Apollo 14 recovered, would it be possible for us to borrow them for research and analysis?

Griffin: So long as you can guarantee we can get them back, untampered with, of course. Probably won't be easy for me to secure the proper authorisation for this, but I should be able to get them for you.

Kennedy: Thank you. We've been looking into SCP-8110's origins since we discovered it and this could be a great start.

Griffin: Good. Now, is there anything else I can help you with, or is that all?

Kennedy: Well, when we were analysing your records from throughout the early 1970's—

Griffin: (Interrupts) I'm sorry, you went through our records?

Kennedy: That is how we operate. And our investigation was to remain on the down-low.

Griffin: (Hesitates) Fine. What about our records?

Kennedy: Going over recorded funds and resources, we noticed a a relatively large assignment of your budget to "Aquarius".

Griffin: The Apollo 13 Lunar Module? Nothing strange there, if anything that was for the initial preparation, training and deployment of the Apollo 13 mission. As well as that, these missions were obviously expensive and would have taken a considerable chunk out of our budget.

Kennedy: No. We accounted for those funds upon finding this. This was sooner, like after the deployment of Apollo 12.

Griffin: What are you saying?

Kennedy: Have there been any unscheduled launches to the moon in 1970?


Post-interview, lunar samples recovered during the Apollo 14 mission were attained by the Foundation and taken to Protected Site-98-2 for research and analysis. Samples were then returned on ██/██/08 without incident.

In an effort to further understand and track the age of discovered SCP-8110 instances discovered within the active zone of the Fra Mauro Formation, methods, such as carbon-dating, were used on recovered samples for comparison with SCP-8110. Upon being granted clearance to obtain a sample from SCP-8110-██ and SCP-8110-██3, results appeared inconclusive.

It is apparent that there is no trace of an SCP-8110 encounter with the Apollo missions. We're done here.
- Senior Researcher Cheung Li

Addendum 8110.3: Excavation 10/02/08

Following SCP-8110's discovery, excavation equipment transported from various Lunar facilities were dispatched to the Fra Mauro Formation supervised by research personnel.

DATE: 10/02/08
FROM: Foreman Richmond Lang, (Lunar Area-02)
TO: Assistant Director Jin Yakov, (Protected Site-98-2)
SUBJECT: Status of SCP-8110 Excavation

Well, we've begun our excavation efforts. Never had this much drilling equipment here before. Normally we're tasked with simple mining jobs and don't have to be as careful as this. But that's not my primary concern at the moment.

You see my crew have been rather tense ever since this job began, claiming they feel like they're being watched by these corpses we're digging up. Most of them would rather stare into the infinite abyss of space instead of work. Because of this, progression is slow. However we are relatively short on staff for this operation and would personally like to request a transfer of personnel from the other lunar sites to help speed up our efforts.

Research just hangs around to watch and cart off the recovered bodies when authorised, but don't actually partake in the digging part. I can't let them—they're unqualified. At least they know to keep their distance when we're working, but we need more manpower; the equipment we have is sufficient enough but there just isn't enough staff to man them.

I need more focus on this job otherwise you won't get significant enough progress until the new year.

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (6)

SCP-8110-09 post-autopsy.

Addendum 8110.4: Autopsy Report

Following Excavation 10/02/08, twelve SCP-8110 instances were successfully recovered from the Fra Mauro Formation and transported to Lunar Area-02. As per dated containment protocols [REVISION-8110-02/29/08], instances were kept in radiological-controlled storage lockers.

On 06/17/09, a pathologist was dispatched to Lunar Area-02 to perform an autopsy on the recovered instances, labelled SCP-8110-01 through -12.

SCP-8110-0103/19/09UndeterminedSupposedly MaleMid 40's
SCP-8110-0203/19/09Blunt Force TraumaUnknownUndetermined
SCP-8110-0403/20/09AsphyxiationMaleMid-Late 30's
SCP-8110-1003/23/09Cerebral Hypoxia4Supposedly MaleEarly 40's
SCP-8110-1203/24/09Blunt Force TraumaFemale40's-50's


Date of Recovery: 01/15/09Gender: Female
Identification: SCP-8110-12Attending: Dr. Oliver Maldack

Diagnosis: Brain Haemorrhage

Description: Subject was first uncovered on January 15th 2009 and contained at Lunar Area-02 two weeks later. Specimen measures approximately 1.93m in height and emits roughly 63 micro sieverts of radiation every hour, making it increasingly hazardous for analysis to be performed. Specimen is deprived of approximately 83% of internal organs with the exception of its gallbladder, larynx, spleen, cochlea, diaphragm and pancreas. No discernible pattern or reasoning behind why these organs have remained has been procured. Subject appears highly dehydrated and is most likely the source behind absence of kidneys, brain and blood vessels. Bone marrow is in advanced state of decay that is impossible to presume and is even beginning to break down, making handling of the body incredibly difficult to achieve without causing damage to the specimen. Specimen is currently the most preserved one to hand and has is suggestibly older than the rest in containment.

Gross Description: N/A

Microscopic Description: Confirmed blunt force trauma to the head, suggesting death from possible brain haemorrhage, however lack of subject's brain has yet to yield further insight into this theory. Malignancies caused in the skin via deteriorated bone marrow likely causing lymphoproliferative disorders within subject.

Following recent review of SCP-8110-09 and SCP-8110-12, we can conclude that the corpses are indeed human in nature. However, we still have no clear understanding towards how long they have been here, let alone how they arrived. We can only assume how old the bodies are through their rate of decomposition, but due to the rapid rate of decay, especially in these environments, it is more than likely inaccurate.

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (7)

SCP-8110 Excavation 06/21/10.

Addendum 8110.5: Excavation Report 07/06/10

On June 21st 2010, excavation within the active SCP-8110 zone was halted by order of Foreman Richmond Lang. After coming under review by the Department of Lunar Assessment and being deemed suitable to resume, several inquiries were filed by personnel. Eventually, progression led to discovery of new materials which sparked further interest from research personnel.

A report filed by the site's foreman supplied insight towards the recent findings in the Fra Mauro Formation.

Date: 07/06/10

I have called off current excavation efforts for SCP-8110 for the time being. In recent weeks, the deeper we have gone to find older instances, there has been a deviation from the usual pattern of discovery we've had with each new body. You see, recently we've been uncovering materials such as metals and what we believe is foil. The condition of these materials are highly corroded, not to mention fragile. Due to the new data, I have halted further excavation until we know more about what's going on here. As of now, the materials have been handed off to Research; maybe they can make heads or tails out of what's going on here.

From what we have uncovered, I thought Research would want to stick their noses into it and they advised that there may be more materials such as what we've uncovered within the SCP-8110 active zone. Because of this, they want to hold off on the use of drilling equipment and for us to resort to using simple hand tools. I don't think they are aware of how hard it is to perform excavation on the moon for a job this big so, until I can get them off my back, I've withheld all further activity within the area.

On another note, the longer we spend trying to understand what's going on here, the more my staff becomes paranoid. I've mentioned several times before about my men believing they're being watched by these corpses, but now it seems to be impairing their work ethic. After completing their shift, most seem to report to voluntary counselling. Due to all psychological counselling being confidential, I can't understand as to what it is they are on edge about, and when confronted about their paranoia they just remain silent. Upon discussion with Researcher Li, he has suggested that it may be result of the Oxygen quality within our mining gear. Granted, it is dated but I don't think that is the issue. I have inquired an evaluation of all our gear to prevent such an occurrence from happening, but productivity with excavation is still thoroughly impaired because of this.

From the issues mentioned above, it has become increasingly challenging for me to understand what kind of attention we are getting here. We are still short on the required personnel to operate our machinery, Research seems to be hiding something from us whenever confronted about new developments, and incompetence with even my most experienced workers is becoming more common. The nature of these abnormalities have been filed with Area Director Hu Wei and he has issued a full-site evaluation by the end of the month.

Request to transfer.

Addendum 8110.6: Suspension of Research


Effective immediately, the Department of Lunar Assessment has issued a reassignment of funds from the SCP-8110 project. The cost of continuous transfer of equipment and personnel has proven unsuitable and unsustainable in view of the limited returns the project offers.
Over the following two years, we have spent more than 4.3 billion dollars in production of equipment, transportation of valuable resources and training of personnel. Furthering development and research into SCP-8110 has yet to exhibit potential leads into the origins behind the corpses' initial manifestation and/or arrival, and analysis of the Apollo missions have lacked any evidence of the anomaly's presence within the 1970's.
It could be argued, and has been argued by Senior Researcher Li, that the origins of SCP-8110 are relevant to the understanding of a potential anomalous civilisation. Perhaps so, yet this is a hypothetical argument, and we are faced with potentially draining necessary funds to further development of other significant projects and endeavours.
The SCP-8110 project will be discontinued and a change in Special Containment Procedures are to go into effect.

Whilst changes are going into effect, funds and resources are to be redirected to the following efforts:

All fully recovered instances of SCP-8110 are to remain in radiological cold storage at all Lunar facilities.

Since its discovery in 2008, SCP-8110 has posed potential exposure to Foundation operations following excavation and research efforts. These are to be covered up as soon as possible.

All irrelevant personnel and resources are to be deported from the lunar surface immediately and recovered materials of any value or interest are to remain at Lunar Area-02.

Closing Personal Statement:
We're taking it back to simple containment protocols from here: Put it in a box and leave it alone. It may sound absurd and there is history here, but just to what has remained entirely unknown. Classification has brought this SCP under review and will make a decision shortly. Until then, there's not much left for us here; those who feel mothballed are to be reminded that not all anomalies hold the secrets that they're looking for even when it's not there.

Addendum 8110.7: Recovered Items

The following is a list of items recovered from the active SCP-8110 zone during Excavation 06/21/10.

ItemRecovery DateWeight (Kg)ConditionAdditional Information
Aluminium alloy06/21/100.3KgPoorItem was highly corroded and its atomic structure heavily deteriorated.
Polytetrafluoroethylene Fibreglass06/21/100.09KgPoorThe composition of the fibreglass is similar to that of Apollo astronauts' space suits.
Recovered Video Tape06/23/100.21KgModerateRecovered later in the SCP-8110 active zone shortly after excavation in the site was halted.

You told us to go deeper and that's what we did. We've been so wrong about this anomaly.
-Senior Researcher Cheung Li



1. There is no Site-5.

2. The source behind this phenomenon has yet to be determined.

3. The only instances successfully liberated from the lunar surface at the time of documentation.

4. Unconfirmed.

5. Supposedly stainless.

« SCP-8109 | SCP-8110 | SCP-8111 »

SCP-8110 - SCP Foundation (2024)


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