Numbers 1:51 - KJV - And when the tabernacle sette... (2024)

  • ASV - American Standard Version
  • BBE - Bible in Basic English
  • DRB - Darby’s Translation
  • ESV - English Standard Version
  • KJV - King James Version
  • NAS - New American Standard Bible
  • NIV - New International Version
  • NKJV - New King James Version
  • NLT - New Living Translation
  • NRS - New Revised Standard Version
  • RSV - Revised Standard Version
  • MSG - The Message Bible
  • WEB - World English Bible
  • YLT - Young’s Literal Translation

51And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down: and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.

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Other Translations of Numbers 1:51

New International Version

51Whenever the tabernacle is to move, the Levites are to take it down, and whenever the tabernacle is to be set up, the Levites shall do it. Anyone else who approaches it is to be put to death.

English Standard Version

51When the tabernacle is to set out, the Levites shall take it down, and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up. And if any outsider comes near, he shall be put to death.

The Message

51When it's time to move The Dwelling, the Levites will take it down, and when it's time to set it up, the Levites will do it. Anyone else who even goes near it will be put to death.

New King James Version

51And when the tabernacle is to go forward, the Levites shall take it down; and when the tabernacle is to be set up, the Levites shall set it up. The outsider who comes near shall be put to death.

New Living Translation

51Whenever it is time for the Tabernacle to move, the Levites will take it down. And when it is time to stop, they will set it up again. But any unauthorized person who goes too near the Tabernacle must be put to death.

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Numbers 1:51

Commentary on Numbers 1:47-54

(Read Numbers 1:47-54)

Care is here taken to distinguish the tribe of Levi, which, in the matter of the golden calf, had distinguished itself. Singular services shall be recompensed by singular honours. It was to the honour of the Levites, that to them was committed the care of the tabernacle and its treasures, in their camps and in their marches. It was for the honour of the holy things that none should see them, or touch them, but those who were called of God to the service. We all are unfit and unworthy to have fellowship with God, till called by his grace into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and so, being the spiritual seed of that great High Priest, we are made priests to our God. Great care must be taken to prevent sin, for preventing sin is preventing wrath. Being a holy tribe, they were not reckoned among other Israelites. They that minister about holy things, should neither entangle themselves, nor be entangled, in worldly affairs. And let every believer seek to do what the Lord has commanded.

More Commentaries for Numbers 1

  • John Darby’s Synopsis
  • The Geneva Study Bible
  • John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible
  • Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown
  • Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete)
  • Wesley’s Explanatory Notes

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  • Books of the Bible
  • Numbers
  • Numbers 1
  • Numbers 1:51

The King James Version is in the public domain.

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Numbers 1:51 - KJV - And when the tabernacle sette... (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.