Money blog: 'My fence is damaged due to my neighbour's overgrown garden - what can I do?' (2024)

Top news
  • Tesco insists online marketplace venture 'not trying to be Amazon'
  • New shop hit by E.coli recall
  • 80 pubs shutting each month, data reveals
  • The supermarket olive oil that costs £5.19 and aced taste tests
Essential reads
  • Money Problem:'My fence is damaged due to weeds on my neighbour's side - but they're not interested'
  • Holiday money - where to buy it, how to avoid fees, and one thing you must not do
  • Here are the best affordable rose wines for summer
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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Third company recalls product over E.coli risk

Another company is recalling a product as a "precautionary measure" due to the possible risk of E.coli.

THIS! says customers who bought its vegan chicken and bacon wrap anytime up to and including Tuesday 18 June should not eat it and should return it for a refund.

The wrap is only sold at WHSmith.

It comes days after sandwich makers Greencore and Samworth Brothers Manton Wood, which supply UK supermarkets, recalled a list of products as a precautionary step.

Products from Boots, Asda, Tesco, Co-op, Aldi, Sainsbury's and Amazon are part of that recall.

The Food Standards Agency's head of incidents, Darren Whitby, said it was working with Food Standards Scotland and the UK Health Security Agency to "identify the cause of an ongoing outbreak" caused by the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC).

Symptoms include "severe and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever", said Trish Mannes from the UKHSA.

However, some cases can cause serous complications that can lead to kidney failure.

People are being advised to follow guidance if they become unwell.

There were 211 cases associated with the STEC outbreak as of 11 June - up from 113 five days earlier.


'My fence is damaged due to weeds on my neighbour's side - but they're not interested'

Every Monday we put your financial dilemmas or consumer disputes to industry experts. You can find out how to submit yours at the bottom of this post.

This week,Sky News readerSteveasks...

"My garden fence is starting to fall apart due to weeds and a lack of maintenance on my neighbour's side. The house is owned by the council. I have spoken to the neighbours who are disinterested and the council do nothing unless the tenant complains. What can I do?"

As part of our research into this answer, we spoke to Sean White, managing partner of Courtyard Solicitors, who said you should get your admin in order first.

"Start by thoroughly documenting the issue. Take clear photographs showing the deterioration of the fence and the encroaching weeds from your neighbour's side," he said.

"Review local regulations concerning property maintenance and fencing to understand your rights and responsibilities."

Next, draft a formal letter addressed to both your neighbour and the council - attaching the documentation you've gathered.

"Clearly explain the problem and its impact on your property and politely request prompt action to resolve the issue," said Mr White.

If direct communication with your neighbour fails, Mr White says consider utilising mediation services to facilitate a constructive discussion.

Mediation is when an impartial professional helps both sides work out an agreement. It's private and usually quicker and cheaper than going to court. Your local council should be able to advise on what mediation services are available near you - and you can find more information here.

If the council remains unresponsive, Mr White suggests escalating your concerns by contacting them again, emphasising any potential hazards or property damage resulting from the situation.

"If necessary, file a formal complaint with the council, providing them with comprehensive documentation of the issue and its effects."

Two avenues with your local council are:

  • The Environmental Health Department, who can be contacted if excessive weeds or rubbish in a neighbour's garden are causing problems on your property so as to be a nuisance;
  • Most council and housing association landlords specify tenants must keep their gardens to a "satisfactory standard".

"If you think the council is acting unreasonably you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman," says Mr White.

As a final option, he advises, explore legal avenues by consulting with a solicitor specialising in property or neighbour disputes.

"They can assist in obtaining copies of the title deeds to ascertain responsibility for maintaining the fence, facilitating a resolution to the issue."

The government has this information for those considering legal action against their neighbour.

Mr White says: "Throughout this process, maintain a composed and respectful demeanour, as it often helps achieve a favourable resolution for all parties involved."

Citizens Advice also has literature on how to deal with issues such as this - read it here.

This featureis not intended as financial advice - the aim is to give an overview of the things you should think about. Submit your dilemma or consumer dispute, leaving your name and contact details, in the form above. Alternatively:

  • Email with the subject line "Money blog"
  • WhatsApp ushere


Tesco insists online marketplace venture 'not trying to be Amazon'

Tesco's top boss has insisted the supermarket is not trying to copy Amazon with the online marketplace it launched last month.

The marketplace was launched to allow shoppers to buy third-party products like homeware and toys while ordering groceries.

"The primary focus of marketplace is to build out and extend the range of food, food related and home products available to customers – so to be very clear, we are not trying to be Amazon," said chief executive Ken Murphy.

"We are not trying to be all things to all people."

It will make available "niche products" that wouldn't necessarily appear on shop shelves.

He said the new venture was "much more integrated" than Tesco Direct, which was a separate platform launched in 2012 and scrapped in 2018.

On how the marketplace is going, Mr Murphy said: "I think it's really early days. It's very hard to give you any reaction because we're really a week in - I think we've had some very positive early signals in terms of the number of orders."


80 pubs shutting each month, data reveals

More than 80 pubs shut each month in England and Wales during the first quarter of the year, new government figures reveal.

Some 239 establishments were demolished or converted for other uses over the three months to 31 March.

It was a rate of closures 56% higher than the same period last year, when 51 pubs closed every month.

"It will be essential that the next government puts in place a fiscal and regulatory framework that makes sure that the sector does not survive, but thrives," said Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Association.

She said the figures reflected high energy costs, food and drink inflation, weather conditions, and the tax burden on pubs.

The data, compiled by real estate company Altus Group, showed the overall number of pubs in England and Wales, including those vacant and being offered to let, fell to 39,162 at the end of March.

The North West region of England lost 35 pubs, the most of any area.


Welcome back to the Money blog - it's a big week ahead

We're back for another week of consumer news, personal finance tipsand all the latest on the economy - and there are a few big moments ahead.

This is how the week in the Money blog is shaping up...

Monday: This week's Money Problemfocuses on a dispute between neighbours over a garden fence.

Tuesday: We're continuing our eight-partWomen in Businessfeature - interviewing women who are bossing their industry. And this week'sBasically...explains everything you need to know about interest-only mortgages.

Wednesday: We'll get May's inflation data, with some economists predicting it could fall from 2.3% to the target 2%. This week's Cheap Eats is with a Michelin-starred chef from North Yorkshire.

Thursday: The Bank of England will reveal its latest base rate decision - with another hold at 5.25% widely anticipated. Here in Money,Savings Championfounder Anna Bowes will be back with her weekly insight into the savings market.

Friday: We'll have everything you need to know about the mortgage market this week with the guys from Moneyfacts.

Running every weekday, Money features a morning markets round-up from theSky News business teamand regular updates and analysis from our business, City and economic correspondents, editors and presenters -Ed Conway,Mark Kleinman,Ian King,Paul KelsoandAdele Robinson.

You'll also be able to streamBusiness Live with Ian King onweekdays at 11.30am and 4.30pm. check back from 8am, and through the day, each weekday.

The Money team is Bhvishya Patel, Jess Sharp, Katie Williams, Brad Young, Ollie Cooper and Mark Wyatt, with sub-editing by Isobel Souster. The blog is edited by Jimmy Rice.


Holiday money - where to buy it, how to avoid fees, and one thing you must not do

By Brad Young and Katie Williams, from the Money team

UK residents spend billions of pounds abroad each year, but it can be difficult to know how to make sterling go as far as possible.

With summer fast approaching, so too are the opportunities to splash out on holidays, so the Money team spoke with three travel experts to find out when, where and how to pay abroad.


"The cheapest way to spend overseas is often on plastic, if you've got the right plastic," said James Jones, head of consumer affairs at Experian.

"Using credit and debit cards can be a great way to get the very best exchange rates."

He said rates offered by currency exchange shops are usually "much less attractive" than those offered on some cards, which were much closer to the rates the banks use themselves.

Fees could wipe out any gains

But it's essential to be aware of things like non-sterling transaction fees, cash withdrawal fees and credit card interest.

So shop around for a card with travel rewards, Mr Jones said - and do this before your trip.

"You probably need to give yourself, ideally, six weeks."

Extra protection

When you book a trip between £100 and £30,000, try and pay for some of it on a credit card to get "extra protection" under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act, said Mr Jones.

That means the card provider is jointly responsible with the retailer if something goes wrong, such as arriving at a hotel only to find it has closed down.

If you are using a credit card, make sure you are can pay it off in full to avoid interest charges, said Sean Tipton from the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA).

One trap you must not falling into

An increasingly common trap when paying with card (credit or debit) is being presented with the option to pay in the local currency or in pounds, said Mr Jones and Mr Tipton.

While paying in sterling might "seem like a wonderful convenience" you will ultimately be paying "quite a bit more for the purchase", Mr Jones said.

If you pay in pounds, the local retailer's bank sets the exchange rate, but if you pay in the local currency, your UK bank sets the rate.


"Some service providers don't apply fees for overseas use on their regular UK debit cards," says Moneyfacts - but you must always check as some incur big fees.

Alternatively, "some service providers offer specialist travel debit cards that don't impose non-sterling transaction fees and cash withdrawal fees".


If you're looking to avoid a credit check, prepaid cards can be loaded with multiple currencies and work like a debit card, without being connected to your bank.

"Typically, prepaid travel cards will offer competitive or even no charges for foreign usage, which can make them a cheaper alternative to using a normal credit or debit card while on holiday," says MoneyFacts.

One of the most popular prepaid cards, Revolut, uses its own exchange rates, which might not always be the best you can find - and while it is fee free on weekdays, there are charges at weekends, so do your research.

Also be aware - prepaid cards do not offer purchase protection like a credit card and aren't regulated by theFinancial Conduct Authority.


"Don't rely solely on a card - it can backfire on you if you do," said Mr Tipton.

Some taxis only take cash, leaving you to face hefty charges withdrawing from an ATM.

In some countries, like Argentina, it can be difficult to get money out of ATMs without a local bank account, Mr Tipton said.

Mr Jones added: "If you're in a very remote part of the world that actually doesn’t have many ATMs and maybe where cash is king, then that might dictate what you need to do."

Where and when to get cash

"I'd strongly recommend [to] get some cash out in the UK," said Mr Tipton.

It can be difficult to find a bureau de change in some developing nations, and ATMs have "started introducing quite hefty charges" across the board, he said.

The exceptions are countries with really high inflation rates, where it may make more sense to get cash out when you arrive, he added.

When to exchange currency really depends on the destination, saidLaura Plunkett, head of travel money at the Post Office.

"Exchange rates change frequently, so if you have time, do your homework and lock in a rate when it is good."

What is a good exchange rate for Europe?

Some 80% of British holidays abroad take place in the Eurozone, said Mr Tipton.

The rate has remained "fairly stable", but if you see the pound increasing in value that may be the time to buy a larger amount of Euros for a couple of years in advance, he added.

Mr Tipton said 1.2 to the pound is a "pretty healthy" time to buy, but "it is a bit of a lottery".

Every year the pound gets stronger against the South African rand, and the same in Argentina, where the peso is "unbelievably weak", Mr Tipton suggested.

In store or online?

"Most online suppliers will insist on a minimum order value that might be too high for some people, and you'll have to make sure that you're home for when it's delivered," said Ms Plunkett.

"But typically, rates are better online if that's an option for you."


A flatlining economy and mortgage rates hiked - what you need to know from Money this week

As the election campaign continues, Rishi Sunak was likely hoping for signs of a strong economic bounceback this week to boost his efforts to win over voters.

But in what came as a blow to the prime minister, early official data released on Wednesday showed the UK economy has flatlined.

The Office for National Statistics said there was zero growth in April, after the economy recorded its fastest growth in two years from January to March.

Experts blamed a negative impact from wet weather, knocking both retail sales and construction output - but despite the emphasis on the hit from rain, the numbers were still a setback for Mr Sunak's key election argument that the economy is improving after successive hits from the COVID pandemic followed by the cost of living crisis.

Read more here...

The week also saw four major lenders hike their mortgage rates, with brokers declaring the market was "unseasonally bad" and its future was not looking bright

Barclaysupped a number of deals by 0.15%, whileTSBhas increased rates across their residential and Buy to Let ranges by up to 0.35%.

Smaller increases were announced byLeeds BuildingSociety, including a 0.6% hike on selected residential products and a 0.20% rise on some shared ownership products.

Clydesdale Bankopted for similar increases, upping its 95% LTV Five Year Fee and other fee fixed rate deals by 0.20%.


The supermarket olive oil that costs £5.19 and aced taste tests

Taste testers have revealed which olive oils are worth spending your money on, as prices have soared in the past few years.

Some premium olive oils cost as little as £2.50 for a 500ml bottle in 2022 - but now price tags have increased by up to 160%.

Which? used a panel of four independent experts to blind-taste and rate seven premium extra virgin olive oils and five branded options.

They picked out Aldi's Specially Selected Terra Di Bari Castel Del Monte Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml as a Which? Great Value product - meaning it offers great taste at a low price.

The product, which is priced at £5.19, came third overall in the blind taste test.

The consumer website also looked at how much olive oil prices have risen at supermarkets.

The Money team dug into this in March and found bacterial disease, criminal gangs, changing weather patterns and Brexit were all to blame for the dramatic rises (you can read more on this below).

Which? found the average price rise for premium own-brand olive oils was 57% between 2022 and 2024.

The highest increase was on Morrisons The Best Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml, which increased in price by 88% from £4.00 to £7.50.

It also looked at price rises on branded olive oil over a three-year period.

Napolina Extra Virgin Olive Oil (500ml) was previously priced at £2.50 at Ocado but jumped to £9.50 - more than a threefold increase.

Meanwhile, Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil (500ml) at Asda more than doubled in price from £2.50 to £6.50 - a 160% increase.


Cinema advert wait times and Taylor Swift ticket prices - what you've been saying this week

Each week, we sift through hundreds of comments left by our readers in response to features and news in the Money blog.

This week, you were most interested in cinema advert wait times, healthy bread, Taylor Swift ticket prices and working from home abroad.

Let's start withnews reporter Narbeh Minassian's feature last weekend on what time you should actually arrive at the cinema...

Here's what you had to say:

Here's all you have to do - look at the time the movie ends according to the booking site; subtract the actual length of the movie and viola - the time the movie actually starts.

Top article on cinema ads. So irritating and getting longer


As regards adverts in cinemas - if you choose to skip them, have consideration for those who've sat waiting and don't want to see heads going past the screen or a herd of elephants marching up stairs after it's started. It's bad manners.


Not only parking fees are a consideration about timing, but also factoring in going to the toilet beforehand, as some films are very, very long these days, without adding on an extra half hour before one can reach the toilet!


We also had this question on our regular health feature, which runs on Fridays.

Is wholegrain seeded bread good for you or still high in sugar? Does sourdough come out better?


By way of an answer, check out Sunna Van Kampen's piece for the Money blog earlier this year...

Now on to Taylor Swift - with some punters disappointed after paying just under £700 for a ticket only to find their view... somewhat obstructed.

I've just seen the post regarding Taylor Swifts concerts in Edinburgh, with some prices going up to £680. In the current cost of living climate, why do companies still feel that it's OK to rip customers off with prices like that.

MK Mark

Is it not about time that people stop being so deluded? The performer is only a singer, a human, making money to fund her expensive lifestyle while others are suffering.


Finally, a word on working from home... from Thailand.

A glowing endorsem*nt from one of our readers...

I used to work in there in 2019. It's awesome to live and work there, weather is beautiful and money is good. As a foreigner from Britain you get special treatment everywhere you go, rent, food etc is all dirt cheap, you pretty much live like a king and £1 goes a long long way.

Tom herns


Welcome to Weekend Money

The Money blog is your place for consumer news, economic analysis and everything you need to know about the cost of living - bookmark

It runs with live updates every weekday - while on Saturdays we scale back and offer you a selection of weekend reads.

Check them out this morning and we'll be back on Monday with rolling news and features.

The Money team is Bhvishya Patel, Jess Sharp, Katie Williams, Brad Young and Ollie Cooper, with sub-editing by Isobel Souster. The blog is edited by Jimmy Rice.

Money blog: 'My fence is damaged due to my neighbour's overgrown garden - what can I do?' (2024)


Can my neighbor stack wood against my fence? ›

If it's on the property line, your neighbor could lean things against the fence as long as the weight isn't damaging the fence. If the fence is clearly on your property then the neighbor has to trespass on your property to lean things against the fence.

How do I ask my neighbor for money on the fence? ›

Start by initiating an open and respectful conversation with your neighbor about the shared fence line. Choose a time when both parties are relaxed and willing to discuss the matter calmly. Approach the conversation with a positive attitude and a willingness to listen to your neighbor's perspective.

Can the council force my neighbour to tidy their garden in the UK? ›

Local councils can take action against people if they do not look after their gardens. Councils have various powers to deal with untidy land or gardens if they contain material that is likely to rot. This includes but is not limited to discarded foods, faeces, nappies, and dead animals.

Is it illegal to have an overgrown garden in the UK? ›

Your rights. Your rights when it comes to neighbours' gardens are governed by a number of laws. An unkempt or slightly overgrown garden isn't enough to enable you to take action unless it's contravening the law.

Can I object to my Neighbours fence? ›

The legal presumption is that a fence on one side of the boundary belongs to the property on that side. Therefore, any modifications to your neighbour's fence necessitate their explicit consent.

Can my Neighbour attach things to my side of the fence? ›

If you own the fence, your neighbour cannot attach anything to it without your permission. Whether that be hooks, screws or fairy lights, anything that goes on your fence should be given the all clear from you first.

What to do when your neighbor's yard is full of weeds? ›

Create a Mulch Barrier

One way that you could protect your lawn from neighbor's weeds is with a physical barrier. You can create a mulch bed with some plant material, separating your yard from your neighbor's. If weeds do creep into that plant bed, you'd be able to target them easily before they creep into your lawn.

How to resolve boundary disputes? ›

Here are the key options to help you resolve a boundary dispute:
  1. Communication and Mediation. Open and honest communication between neighbours is often the first step in resolving a boundary dispute. ...
  2. Professional Surveys. ...
  3. Boundary Agreements. ...
  4. Deed of Rectification.
Mar 6, 2024

Is it illegal to go into someone's back garden? ›

If there is no legal right or agreement to access a neighbour's garden, it's technically trespassing, which is against the law.

Can I plant a hedge next to my neighbour's fence? ›

Planting a hedge at the boundary of your garden - of course you can! Plant away... they have no recourse. Yes of course, it's your land, you can hedge the whole garden if you please. And you don't need to tell them.

Is it legal to dig up plants on the side of the road UK? ›

All wild plants are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). It is illegal to dig up or remove a plant (including algae, lichens and fungi) from the land on which it is growing without permission from the landowner or occupier.

Can my neighbour lean things against my house? ›

As a general rule, your neighbour doesn't have the right to lean things on your fence without your explicit permission. The same goes for hanging things.

Is there a right way to stack wood? ›

Take 3-4 pieces of wood and place them in a row from left to right then layer more wood on top in the opposite direction. These perpendicular rows create dry stacks of wood that are easily accessed whenever you need.

Is it OK to stack wood near house? ›

Answer: Firewood storage attracts a number of pests including termites, other insects, and rodents. When you put firewood next to a building foundation, it's like leaving their favorite food right outside your door. I recommend that you keep any firewood at least five feet or more away from the foundation.

Can you stack fence panels? ›

To achieve a taller fence, the panels can be stacked - for example stacking 2x 0.91m panels will give you 1.8m high approx.


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.